During the colonial times, the trip
South through the continent could be accomplished relatively easily in
political terms. The logistical problems were still formidable. The
Automobile Association of South Africa published a route book in 1949
titled 'Trans-African Highways A Route Book of the Main Trunk Roads in
Africa' listing mileage and directions for many varied trans-continental
routes. It also gave advice on equipment, vehicles and paperwork needed.
It is rather unfortunate to note
that in today's 'global world' the trip through the African continent is
much harder to complete. Regional conflicts and political instability
mean that many of the routes favored in the 40s and 50s are now all but
impossible to complete.
Despite this, many overland trips
are completed each year by adventurous groups and individuals in their
own vehicles. In the 1980s truck tours became popular and it became a
mark of distinction in the backpacker community to have completed the
'Trans'. These truck tours took many months and could, depending on
vehicles and preparation, be very strenuous. Passengers were often
relied upon to push the truck as it became mired in mud or sand. In some
cases passengers fired their drivers and would then have to wait with
the truck as the tour operators flew another one in.
The roads that traverse the
continent have not improved much in the last half century. That is part
of the appeal to overlanders. Just as crossing the Sahara in the 50s was
a trip only for those well prepared and in an adequate vehicle, so it is
today. Legendary icons of our culture like Timbuktu are still very
remote and desolate places.
And so it is that Africa is a
continent of extremes and conflicts. It is the mystery, the difficult
traverse and the adventure that makes crossing the continent so
attractive, yet the politics, the corruption and the poverty that makes
it such a challenge. Even in 2003, driving into the African veldt can
make one feel like an explorer from the last century. You might expect
to run into Stanley or Livingstone or even Kruger himself while
wondering through the bush.
What of the Route Itself? -->